
Friday 6 January 2017

British admiralty decided to built one battleship more according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 14 November 1907

An item dated London, England 13th reported that during a diner at the Chamber of Commerce a letter of the secretary to the Admiralty Robertson (1) was read aloud. Robertsen wrote that due to the disappointing results of the Peace Conference (2) the admiralty decided to built another battleship above the ones already designed.

1. This must be Edmund Robertson, 1st Baron Lochee (28 October 1845-13 September 1911), Liberal politician, parliamentary and financial secretary to the Admiralty 12 December 1905-13 April 1908.
2. The Second Conference a the Hague, Netherlands (first was in 1899) especially dealing with naval warfare between 15 June-`8 October 1907.