
Thursday 5 January 2017

German battleship Lothringen joined Dutch De Ruyter celebrations according to the Dutch newspaper Bataviaasch nieuwsblad dated 21 March 1907


An item reported that the German emperor Wilhelm ordered to sent the German battleship Lothringen to the Netherlands to join the celebrations held to remember the famous 17th Dutch admiral Michiel Adriaansz de Ruyter.(1)

1. Laid down with the contracted name “M” at Schichau-Werke, Danzig, Germany with yard number 716 in December 1903, launched on 27 May 1903, commissioned on 18 May 1906, exercise ship and training ship for engineers at Wilhelmshaven, Germany 1917-1918, converted into a mother ship for F-class minesweepers stationed at Wilhelmshaven by disarming and fitting out with platforms for holding the minesweepers in 1919, laid up in reserve since 1926, sold toe be broken up for 269.650 Reichsmarks to be broken up on 31 March 1931 which was executed by Blohm&Voss, Hamburg, Germany. Armour plating was in the sale included. Building costs 23.801.000 gold marks. Of the Braunschweig-class consisting of the Braunschweig, Elsass, Hessen, Lothringen and Preussen. Preceded by the Wittelsbach-class and succeeded by the Deutschland-class.