An item dated Kiel, Germany 18th reported that the evening before at 20.45 o’clock in the Kieler Bough the German torpedo boat S 126 and the cruiser Undine collided. The torpedo boat division was executing nightly exercises against the Undine which had no lights on. Probably blinded by the searchlight appeared the S 126 before the bow of the Undine and collided. The S 126 sunk and the exploding boiler seems to be responsible for the large number of missing crewmembers. On board of the Undine was the division commander, the commander and 2 officers of the watch slightly wounded. She was now lying near the wreck waiting for support. At 05.45 o’clock left a tug the shipyard met divers and the cruisers Munchen and Nymphe were to follow with even more divers.