
Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Portugal refused acceptance of new submarine Delfino according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1935 no. 2

An item referred to the magazine N.M.R. dated 6 December 1934 reporting that the Portuguese submarine Delfino did not achieve the contracted stability specifications. The Portuguese cabinet demanded the British shipyard which built her to pay a compensation and to improve her. The Espadarte and the Golfinho of the same type were not be accepted if they were not modified in advance.(1)

1. The Delfim-class consisting of the Delfim of 1934 and the Golfinho and Espadarte of 1935, all three serving until 1950 and built by Barrow Shipyards, England using a Vickers-Armstrong design. Displacement 1,105 tons.