Largest Dutch submarine Hr. Ms. K-I
An item reported that the largest submarines under construction for the Russian navy had a displacement of 800 tons and a speed of16 (surfaced)-12 (submerged) miles.(1)
1. The Netherlands were building at the same time an ocean going submarine Hr. Ms. K I with a displacement of just 333 (surfaced)-358 (submerged) tons and a speed of 17 (surfaced)-8 (submerged) knots. Laid down at Kon. Mij. De Schelde, Vlissingen, Netherlands on 16 September 1911, launched on 20 May 1913, commissioned on 5 July 1914 and decommissioned in 1928. She served in the Dutch East Indies. Her submarine Hr. Ms. O-2 who served in European (coastal) waters had a displacement of just 134 (surfaced)-149 (submerged) tons and was built between 1909-1911.