
Saturday, 19 August 2017

Several Russian naval officers accused of Trotski sympathy according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1937 no. 6

An item referred to the magazine le Yacht dated 4 September 1937 reported that 39 naval officers of the Baltic Fleet and 50 of the East Asiatic squadron included admiral Vitkorov (1) were accused of Trotski (2) sympathy. Also the supreme commanding officer admiral Orloff (3) seemed to be compromised.

1. Mikhail Vladimirovich Viktorov (24 December 1893 Yarislavl, Russia-executed 1 August 1938), commander in chief ofd soviet naval forces between August 1937-January 1938, served in the navy between 1913-1937.
2. Leon Trotsky (26 October 1879 near Yelizavetgrad, Kherson Governorate, nowadays Ukraine-murdered on 21 August 1940 Coyoacán, Mexico), Marxist revolutionary , theorist and Soviet politician, the last stadium of his life living in exile.
3. Vladimir Mitrofanovich Orlov (15 July 1895 Kherson, Ukraine-executed 28 July 1938), commander in chief between July 1931-July 1937, served in the navy between 1916-1937. Arrested on 10 July 1937. Preceded by the Romuald Muklevich and succeeded by the Mikhail Viktorov.