
Sunday 1 October 2017

American transport design dated September 1915

The design was drawn for a troop transport to be built under the Fiscal year 1917 program of the US Navy. This design resembles in many manners that of the transport Henderson although now including a longer enclosed superstructure on the main deck, housing personnel quarters and a large sick bay. Yet the abovementioned program did not allow the building of such transport and the design was never executed.

With a displacement of 10.300 tons were her dimensions to be 460 (waterline) x 61.1 (waterline) x 20.5 feet. Maximum speed 14 knots and with a speed of 10 knots was her range to be 8.000 miles. The armament was to consist of 8=12,7cm/5” quick firing guns.

Naval History and Heritage Command, Spring Styles Book 1911-1925. Drawing S-584-087.