Call sign GQJR, ex-Matador, on stocks at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1867, launched on 5 May 1870, commissioned off Texel, Netherlands on 16 October 1873, boilers replaced in 1881, stricken in 1894, laid up at Ijmuiden, Netherlands in 1895 and sold on a public auction at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands for ƒ 36.092,26 to be broken up at 10.00 o’clock on Thursday 8 April 1897 in 1897. Original two signalling masts, in 1889 replaced by just one battle mast. Costs when for the time fitted out ƒ 1.287.891. Displacement 2.378 tons, dimensions 59,68 (load line between perpendiculars)-62,68 (over all without rudder) x 12,25 (outside over armour) x maximum loaded with full coal bunkers and ready boilers 4,90 (fore)-5,10 (aft) x x 7,75 (hold underside keel-upside main deck amidships) metres, 2-2cylinder engines, 4 boilers, horsepower 2.200 hp, a speed (trial) of 9,5 miles, an armament of 2 rifles 23cm guns en 4-30 pd, replaced in 1887 by 1-28cm gun, 2-7,5cm guns, 4-3,7cm guns and 2-3,7cm revolver guns and a crew numbering 117 (original)-159 men. The armour consisted of a 7,6-15,2cm thick belt, a 1,9-2,5cm thick deck while the gun turret was protected by 20,3-28cm thick armour and the coning tower by 11,4cm.