
Friday 6 October 2017

The strength of the Swedish and Norwegian navies in 1857 according to a Dutch magazine

An item referred to the Moniteur de la Flotte reporting that for 1857 the strength of the Swedish navy was to consist of 10 ships of the line, 6 frigates, 4 corvettes, 4 brigs, 9 steam corvettes, 20 armed schooners, 77 gunboats, 122 gun sloops, 6 bombs, 22 steam aviso‘s, 2 royal yachts, 21 transports and 594 rowboats.

The strength of the Norwegian navy was to consist of 2 frigates, 2 corvettes, 2 steam corvettes, 1 brig, 43 gun sloops and 5 steam tugs. Further more a frigate and a steam aviso under construction.

In case of war were all ships good enough to be fitted out, in peace time were just enough ships fitted out as needed.

Verhandeling en berigten betrekkelijk het Zeewezen, de Zeevaartkunde en de daarme in verband staande wetenschappen, 2nd part. Jacob Swart. 1856.