British protected cruiser HMS Apollo
Dutch protected cruiser design dated 1895
Displacement 3.900 ton and as dimensions 93,30 x 14,81 x 5,40 metres. Horsepower 10.400 hp. Machinery included 2 reciprocating engines, 8 water tube boilers and 2 Scottish boilers. Armour consisted of a 5,1cm/2” thick deck with the conning tower protected by 10cm. Armament consisted original of 2x1-15cm/5.9”, guns, 6x1-12cm/4.7” guns, 4x1-7,5cm/3” guns, 8-3,7cm guns, 4-3,7cm revolver gun, 2-7,5cm A guns, 2-7,5cm mortars, 2 torpedo tubes and 2 torpedo guns above the waterline. In 1906 were 4-3,7cm gun removed and 1908 1-7,5cm A gun and 1-7,5cm mortar. Crew numbered 325 men. Costs when first fitted out ƒ 2.962.205.00.