An item reported that the Danish organisation Danatom published a report describing 3 large tankers including one nuclear propelled. Starting point was to design a tanker for the oil transport between the Persian Gulf and England with a deadweight of 65.000 tons a horsepower of 27.500hp. The results were a tanker with a displacement of 88.000 tons and as dimensions 240 x 35 metres in the versions oil fuelled boilers and steam engine, diesel engine and nuclear. The building costs and service costs of a nuclear propelled ship were 20-30% higher as for a standard ship. The cargo capacity of a nuclear ship with 62.000 tons was more than the 59.000 of her standard opponent. The weights of the needed machinery showed huge differences varying form 155 ton for a turbine ship increasing to 1.850 ton for a motor ship and 3.355 tons for a nuclear ship. The kern reactor was to be of the pressurized water type with 6 heat exchangers and the engine room to be remote controlled from a central position with the kern reactor in the aft ship. Accommodation for the crew was amidships. If the nuclear design was realized was unknown.