
Monday, 30 April 2018

Polish stern trawler TR-30 Cold War design

Dimensions 28,50 (waterline)-30,35 (over all) x 7,90 (moulded) x 4,10 (moulded depth) x 3,10 (moulded) metres, hold capacity 175 cubic metres, fuel bunker capacity 45 cubic metres/38 tons, fresh water bunker capacity 15 tons. Crew accommodation for 14 persons. Horsepower 850hp. Cruising range 15 days and speed 3 (bottom trawling with tower power of around 5,7 tons)-4 (pelagic trawling with towing power 5,2 tons)-11 knots. Designed for the bottom or pelagic fishing methods to a maximum depth of around 275 metres.