
Saturday, 2 June 2018

British Acorn-class destroyers were called destroyer-smashers according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1909-1910 no. 8

An item reported that the 20 destroyers to be built for the British Royal Navy under the latest budget were to be named Acorn, Alarin, Brisk, Camaeleon, Cornet, Goldfinch, Fury, Hope, Larne, Lyra, Martin, Minstrel, Nemesis, Nereide, Nymphe, Redpole, Rifleman, Ruby, Sheldrake and Staunch. Three to be built at the Clydebank were to be fitted out with Curtis, de others with Parsons turbines and fuel oil fired. It was to become the Acorn-class with a displacement of 1.200 ton, a speed of at least 29 miles to a 31. Horsepower 16.000-18.000 hp. Armament of 2-10,5cm quick firing guns, 4-7,5cm quick firing guns and 2 torpedo guns. The British called this class destroyer-smashers.(1)

1. Preceded by the Beagle-class and succeeded by the Acheron-class built between 1910-1911 under the 1909-1910 Programme.