
Saturday, 20 October 2018

Announced sale of the Dutch steam tug Verwisseling according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwsblad van het Noorden dated 14 July 1928

An announcement reported te intended public auction on Wednesday 18th Juli 14.30 o’clock in the café of L. Slot, Zuideinde, Meppel, Netherlands of the Dutch iron steam tug Verwisseling with inventory as requested by the family Meijer. Dimensions 17,46 x 4,19 x 1,25 (medium draught) metres and measuring18 ton, fitted out with a vertical condensing compound steam engine, a boiler with a heating surface of 42 square metres and 6,2 kilo/square centimetre pressure and a Worthing pump. Bidding to start with ƒ 2.517. Lying in the Meppeler Sluis, Meppel, Netherlands.