An item dated Cairo, Egypt 22nd referred to statements of officers of an American cruiser passing the Suez Canal that they expected problems between the USA and Japan.(1)
1 In 1894 a treaty signed between the USA and Japan guaranteed Japanese that they were welcome as immigrants receiving the same rights as US citizens. For instance Japanese formed the major part of the population of Hawaii when the this became part of the USA. The Japanese immigrants in the USA became an issue between the USA and Japan. Both countries however wanted to protect their territory and interests in Asia afraid for the other party.
1 In 1894 a treaty signed between the USA and Japan guaranteed Japanese that they were welcome as immigrants receiving the same rights as US citizens. For instance Japanese formed the major part of the population of Hawaii when the this became part of the USA. The Japanese immigrants in the USA became an issue between the USA and Japan. Both countries however wanted to protect their territory and interests in Asia afraid for the other party.