
Tuesday, 4 June 2019

The Romanian Sovromtransport tugs according to a CIA report dated 26 June 1952

An item referred to an informant who believed that the Romanian river fleet was in July 1951 smaller as before the Second World War. The Soviet Union purchased a number of ships handing over Romania just a few older ships like the Plekhanov and the Engels.(1) Sovromtransport (2) possessed 30 tugs active on the Danube between Sulina andVienna. The horsepower of these tugs was 2 of 1.200ho, 8 of 800 hp and 20 of 600 and 400 hp. Twenty were available for actual service. With continuously ten tugs under repair of maintenance were just 20 available for actual service. The 2 strongest tugs had a towing capacity of six loaded barges upstream and 10 downstream. Each barge had a capacity of 80 tons or railcars. The 800hp tugs had  a towing capacity of 4 loaded similar barges upstream and 6 downstream. Their crews numbered 20 men. For the 400hp tugs respectively 2 and 2. There were also larger and smaller barges than 80 tons type available but the informant did know how many the Soviet Danube Shipping Company (SDGP) possessed.

1. The Soviet Union handed over the aged cargo ships Dimitrov (1919), Berezina (1918), Plechanow (1900) and the Friedrich Engels.(1930)
2. Sovromtransport or Societatea de Navigatie Soveto-Romana was a Soviet-Romanian shipping company existing between 14 July 1945 and September/October1954 and then became the Romanian government owned company Navrom

The report was published on, document number voorrangCIA-RDP80-00809A000600020180-6