Source Vice admiraal Norman MacLeod. Chapter VI. De Marine, “Eene Halve Eeuw [1848-1898]
Building costs included preparing for the first time for sea ƒ 1.066.000,00. Steel-built. With a displacement of 1.720 tons were her dimensions 70,00 x 11,30 x 4,35 metres. Her armour consisted of a 3,8cm thick deck and her turret was protected by 15cm. The two steam engines and 4 boilers and two screws made a speed of 12,84 miles possible. Coal bunker capacity 280 tons. The armament consisted of 1-21cm gun, 1-15cm gun, 2-12cm guns, 4-3,7cm guns, 2-3,7cm revolvers, 1-7,5cm mortar and 2 torpedo guns. Her crew numbered 167 men.