
Thursday 25 June 2020

Serbian Danube barge no. 6762 in 1915

Captured by Russia on 12 December 1915 while lying at Corabia.(1)

1. Corabia is a small Romanian Danube port, before the Second World War part of Romanati County. An item dated Budapest, Hungary published in the Dutch newspaper Provinciale Noordbrabantsche en ‘s Hertogenbosche courant dated 13 October 1915 supplied some details what was happening then. Serbia was attacked by German-Austrian forces. ]The Russian steam ships St. Georgia, Romania, Nikolus, Turgenjew and Servië seek with 14 lighters refugee in Corabia.

P.A. Warneck, ‘Russian, Rumanian and other barges on the Danube 1914-1918’, The Belgian Shiplover, 49 (No. 1-1974), p. 43-44.

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