
Saturday, 3 July 2021

Results of the American whaling fleet in 1845 according to the newspaper The Polynesian dated 18 July 1846


An item reported that the American whaling fleet imported in 1845 157.915 barrels sperm oil, 272,730 barrels whale oil and 3,167,142 lbs of whale bone. An item reported the arrival in 1845 in the USA of

91 sperm whalers with an average absence of 43 months 2,5 days and an average catch of 1,291 barrels sperm oil and 387 barrels whale oil.

101 two season right whalers with an average absence of 24 months and an average catch of  196 barrels sperm oil and 2,187 barrels whale oil.

8 one season right whalers with an average absence of 12 months 4 days and an average catch of  46 barrels sperm oil and 844 barrels whale oil.

32 Atlantic sperm whalers with an average absence of 12 months 7 days and an average catch of  38 barrels sperm oil and 76 barrels whale oil.

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