
Wednesday 9 February 2022

American preliminary battleship design dated 20 March 1916

design dated 20 March 2016

USS Tennessee-class

USS Colorado-class

To be built under the Fiscal Year 1917 as part of the Colorado-class was this design sent on 28 March 1916 to the Navy Department. The design differs with that of the USS Tennessee especially in the main armament with fitting her out in the lest risky manner with 5x2-16” guns. Disapproved by Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels. .

Dimensions 644 (waterline)-97.5 (waterline) x 30.2 feet.

Displacement 35.800 tons.

Hull complete with fittings 17.776 tons

Protection 9.571 tons

Steam engineering 1.964 tons

Reserve feed 2/3 supply 197 tons

Battery 1.881 tons

Ammunition and 2/3 ordnance stores 1.536 tons

Equipment and 2/3 equipment stores 520 ton

Outfit and 2/3 stores 660 tons

Oil fuel, 2/3 full supply 1.690 tons

Margin 5 tons


Electric engines with 8 boilers rooms supplying at a speed of 21 knots 18.200 ehp. With 10 knots speed a range of 10.000 nautical miles.


Armament consisted of 5x2-40.6cm/16” breech loading guns, 22-12.7cm/5” quick firing guns, 4 high power anti aircraft guns, 4 light anti aircraft guns and 4-21” submerged torpedo tubes.


Armour consisted of

Main side belt with extreme width 17.0”-depth below waterline 8’8 1/2”, thickness 13½, 13½ and 8”.

Barbettes protected by 13” (heavy part)-4½” (light part)

Turrets protected by 16” (port)-10--9” (sides)-5” (top)-9” (rear)

Conning tower proper protected by 16”-8” (top)

Conning tower tube protected by 16” (heavy part)-6” (heavy part)

Fire control tower protected by 16”

Uptake protection thickness 140”

Total thickness protective deck 60”



Naval History and Heritage Command, Spring Styles 1911-1925 S-584-098

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