
Friday 23 December 2022

American standard merchant tanker design T2-SE-A1 in 1946

Steel built with raked stem and cruiser stern. Capacity 140,000 barrels. Dimensions 623.6 (over all) x 68.0 (molded) x 39.3 (molded depth) x 30.2 (load draught molded) feet, deadweight 16,760 tons, gross tonnage 10,200 tons and net tonnage 6,100 tons. The turbo-electric propulsion was located aft supplying via one screw 6,000 shp normal horsepower allowing a speed of 14.5 knots. Prewar domestic cost 2,316,000 US dollars, domestic war cost 3,010,763 US dollars, unadjusted statutory sales price 2,026,500 US dollars and floor price 1,505,352 US dollars


Federal register dated 17 August 1946 vol II, no. 79. 

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