
Thursday 15 December 2022

Austro-Hungarian submarines under construction on 31 October 1918

At the shipyard at Fiume (Bergudi) were 2 submarines of 830 tons under construction with the machinery manufactured at Kiel (Germaniawerft). Progress of construction hulls 92 respectively 63% and machinery 90 respectively 1003%. Value of the completed vessels regarded the contract 14.000,000 crowns and already paid 9.800,000 crowns. Seized by Italy.

At the shipyard at Fiume (Bergudi) were 4 submarines of 830 tons under construction for which around 700 tons of material already was delivered. Value of the completed vessels regarded the contract 29.942,000 crowns and already paid 9.980,000 crowns. Seized by Italy.

At the shipyard at Fiume (Bergudi) were 4 submarines of 500 tons under construction with the machinery to be manufactured at Kiel (2) and Budapest (2). Hulls for 2 submarines 30-35% completed with the Kiel produced machinery completed and 2 hulls  20-25% ready with 2 Budapest produced machinery 46-58% completed. Around 1,500 tons of material was already delivered. Value of the completed vessels regarded the contract 21.600,000 crowns and already paid 16.200,000 crowns. Seized by Italy 


The Hungarian peace negotiations. An account of the work of the Hungarian peace delegation at Neuilly s/S from January to March, 1920, vol II. Published by the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest, 1922

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