
Wednesday 14 June 2023

German light cruiser SMS Gazelle 1897-1920

Source Bundesarchive RM 3/22928 French photo album 1900

Of the Gazelle-class consisting of the Gazelle, Niobe, Nymphe, Thetism Araidne, Amazone, Medusa, Frauenlob, Ancona and Undine. Preceded by the Hella and succeeded by the Bremen-class. Builder ordered under the contract name ‘G‘, laid down at the Germaniawerft, Kiel, Germany in 1897, launched on 31 March 1898, commissioned on 15 June 1901, heavily damaged by Russian mines north of Cape Arkoma in the night of 25-26 January 1916, not worth to be repaired and hulked in 1916, served since then as a hulk for minelayers at Danzig, Cuxhaven and since 1918 at Wilhelmshaven, stricken on 28 August 1920 and the same year broken up at Wilhelmshaven.

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