
Tuesday 21 May 2024

Shipbuilding, docking and repair facilities at Uchida, Japan in February 1937

In his rapport dealing with the Japanese shipbuilding capacity dated 15 February 1937 No.22 file 409-600 the naval attache dealt with naval and merchant shipyards able to built ships larger as 1,000 tons.

Building ways (length in feet on land): No. 1-440, No. 2-430 and No. 3-470.

Drydocks (length in feet, top): very small.

%Maximum capacity annual of naval vessels in tons-peacetime conditions: 12,000.

%=Capacities in tons displacement derived from the time required to built battleships 3 years, cruisers 2.5 year and destroyers and submarines 1-1.5 years.


National Archives USA. Record Group 38: Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Series: Secret Naval Attaches Reports. Report of the Naval Attache Tokyo dated 21 January 1937 No. 12 subject Japanese Navy Vessels Built, Building or Authorized. Information of 1 January. M975-002.

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