
Sunday 30 June 2024

Former Canadian frigates HMCS Bowmanville and Coppercliff in Chinese hands according to the Australia Station Intelligence Summary dated 1 October 1956

An item reported that the former Canadian Castle-class frigates HMCS Bowmanville and Coppercliff were converted by the Chinese Nationalists into merchant ships since the Second World War. In 1949 were both vessels captured by the Chinese Communists and the former Bowmanville was reconverted and armed with 2-5.1” guns and 4 close range weapons. What happened with the Coppercliff was since 1949 enigmatic. Regarded a recent photo of a warship which differs considerable from the Bowmanville it was possible that also the Coppercliff was taken into naval service.


1. Jane’s Fighting Ships 1958-1959 reported just one former Canadian corvette namely the Kuang Chou ex-Yuan Pei, Bowmanville and Nunney Castle and two former British corvettes Kai Feng (ex-ss Claverlock, HMS Clover) and Lin I (ex-ss Ziang Teh, HMS Heliotrope, USS Surpise). All three ships were reconverted merchant ships. The existence of the former Coppercliff (ex-Wan Lee, La Tun) was still doubted in the edition 1963-1964.


Website Royal Australian Navy, Sea Power Centre.

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