
Sunday 30 June 2024

USSR handing over minesweepers to Communist China according to the Australia Station Intelligence Summary dated 1 October 1956

An item reported that the Chinese Communist Navy received from the USSR in October 1954 2 T 43 class minesweepers. Recently were 5 vessels sighted possible of this class which were or purchased or local built. These vessels were suitable for escort tasks while fitted out of ahead-throwing anti submarine weapons and Asdic. Characteristics of the T 43 class were a standard displacement of 550 tons, dimensions 190 x 28 x 7.8 feet, a crew numbered 75 men, a speed of 19 knots with twin screws, 3,000 hp, 6-cylinder diesel and 3,000 nautical miles range. The Armament consisted of 2-4.5cm or larger calibre guns, 2 machine guns and possible a anti submarine mortar. Probably fitted out for sweeping contact and magnetic mines and fitted out for minelaying. Neptun radar. (1)


1. Jane’s Fighting Ships 1958-1959 reported 4-T 43 class of which two acquired in 1954-1955, furtjermore were several under construction by Chinese shipyards of 2 in 1956. The 1963-1964 edition mentions 12 units.


Website Royal Australian Navy, Sea Power Centre.

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