Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.
P. 663: “The excavation for the magazine has been made, the foundation walls prepared, and the walls of the building commenced, and the work is now in rapid progress. There has been expended during the past fiscal year for materials $ 4,022.29, and for labor $ 11,776.68; making an aggregate of $ 15,798.97. Estimates are submitted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1859, for a shell house, magazine keeper’s house, tank house, and filling room, railway and cars, shot beds, and for cleaning and piling shot, P. 664: amounting to $11,450. These objects are all necessary to place this branch of the service in condition to meet the demands upon it at this distant station.”
The executive documents, printed by order of the senate of the United States, first session, thirty-fifth congress and special session of 1858. 1857-1858. 16 Volumes. Washington, 1858.
P. 663: “The excavation for the magazine has been made, the foundation walls prepared, and the walls of the building commenced, and the work is now in rapid progress. There has been expended during the past fiscal year for materials $ 4,022.29, and for labor $ 11,776.68; making an aggregate of $ 15,798.97. Estimates are submitted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1859, for a shell house, magazine keeper’s house, tank house, and filling room, railway and cars, shot beds, and for cleaning and piling shot, P. 664: amounting to $11,450. These objects are all necessary to place this branch of the service in condition to meet the demands upon it at this distant station.”
The executive documents, printed by order of the senate of the United States, first session, thirty-fifth congress and special session of 1858. 1857-1858. 16 Volumes. Washington, 1858.