
Friday 16 September 2011

The British merchant ships Young Queen and Anna active around Borneo, Dutch East Indies [Indonesia] according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 11 September 1844

From Borneo came tidings dated 15 May dealing with what happened with the two British ships at Borneo. In the newspaper Javasche Courant dated 30 December 1843 no. 104 were the fitting out of the British schooner Young Queen master Hast and the brig Anna master Leurs reported. Erskine Murray who commanded the expedition with the purpose to set up a colony on Borneo paid the costs. Murray said that he owned both ships and flying the British flag they arrived 25 November 1843 at Sambas for trade purposes and departed 30 November straight on towards Banjermassing. There they arrived 12 December and sold a part of the cargo consisting of Chinese stores, steel pens, tea, European iron works and so on. After 23 days they departed in the first half of January 1844 towards the Moluccas. According to commerce tidings the vessels visited in March Menado without Murray. He seemed to be killed with a part of the crew while fighting with natives near the river of Goeti or Cotti at the South coast of Borneo territory of the sultan of Koetie.