
Sunday, 4 September 2011

Denmark hired Dutch ships in war with Sweden 1658-1659 part I

After the peace treaty of Brömsebro in 1645, Denmark intended to recapture from Sweden her possessions and recover her position in the Baltic area. Due to the fact that Sweden was involved with problems in Polen, Denmark thought it was a good time to attack Sweden. However Swedish troops attacked with overwhelming success from the south Denmark. After the capture of the Danish fortress of Frederiksodde October 1657 Sweden possessed the Danish mainland. Only the islands Funen and Seeland were still Danish. The Dutch republic came in action for strategic and economic reasons. The Dutch merchant shipping needed a free passage from the Baltic area towards the home country. The Dutch response towards Sweden was undoubted. A Dutch fleet commanded by one of the most renowned Dutch admirals, Witte de With, attacked 8 November 1658 in the Sont the Swedish fleet commanded by Wrangel. In the battle De With was killed. The same year the Dutch States General allowed the Danish to hire ships in the Netherlands, mainly to be used as troop transports. The States General and the admiralty of Amsterdam hired for the same purpose ships. All contracts passed notary Jan Volkaerts Oli of Amsterdam.

Notary contract dated 11 September 1658 between the admiralty Amsterdam and master Jan Govertss of Schiedam, De Vergulde Vos, dimensions (in Amsterdam feet) 118 (prow) x 25½ (inner hull) x 11½ (at uitwatering), height between overloop before the mast 5, monthly rental price ƒ 1000 with caplaken for the master, height 'bak and schans' on board circa 5, 13 gotelingen, taxed value of the ship ƒ 18400.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and owner sr. Jan Vlasblom, master Claes Hilbrantss Pronck of Edam, Parl or Parel, dimensions 121 (prow) x 26 x 11½, height verdeck above 6, 30 men (with a maximum of 2 boys), monthly rental price ƒ 2050, age 4 years, 19 gotelingen: 3-8, 6-6, 4-3, 2-2, taxed value of the ship ƒ 21900.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam, owner Hector Pieterss, master Eleman Severijnss, Medea, dimensions 120 x 26 x 11½, height verdeck above5¾, 30 men (with a maximum of 2 boys), monthly rental price ƒ 2050, age 4 years, with a deal-built hull, taxed value of the ship ƒ 23585, 20 guns (gotelingen): 10-6pdr, 8-4pdr, 2-2pdr.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and owner Jan Lansman, master Tjark Hides, Judith, dimensions 128 x 26½ x 12¼-12½, height verdeck above 6, 20 gotelingen, 13 men (with a maximum of 2 boys), monthly rental price ƒ 2050, age 3 years, taxed value of the ship ƒ 26750, 20 guns (gotelingen): 8-6pdr, 8-4pdr, 4-2pdr.
Notary contract dated 8 November 658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Lourens Cornelisz of Huisduinen, Bootschap Maria, monthly rental price ƒ 1150, 4 guns, 10 men.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Jan Willemss Trompetter, Het Huijs van Abcoude, dimensions 124 (prow) x 25 x 11x, height verdeck 5, 2 iron guns (gotelingen), 10 men, age 12 years, monthly rental price ƒ 1050, taxed value of the ship ƒ 8750.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Jan Pieterss Verschol of Egmond, Juffer Catharina, 4 guns, 10 men, monthly rental price ƒ 1150.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and owners srs. Arnout de Raet and Theunis Reijerss, master Dirck Janss of Vlieland, Vergulde Haen, dimensions 123 x 26 x 11¼, height verdeck above 5¼, 30 men with a maximum of 2 boys, 16 guns gotelingen, monthly rental price ƒ 1800, taxed value of the ship ƒ 19925.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between admiralty of Amsterdam and owner sr. Jan Lansman, master Jan Jansz Cleijn, de Fruijtboom, dimensions 122 (prow) x 27 x 12½, verdeck above 6-6¼, 30 men with a maximum of 2 boys, monthly rental price ƒ 2050, age 4 years, 20 guns (gotelingen): 6-8pdr, 14-4opdr, 2-2pdr, taxed value of the ship ƒ 25500.
Notary contract dated 8 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and owner sr. Hendrick Aggevaer, master Ghale Ghaless, Liefde, dimensions 123 (prow) x 27¼ x 12¼, height verdeck above 6, age 3 years, 30 men with a maximum of 2 boys, 20 guns (gotelingen), monthly rental price ƒ 2050, taxed value of the ship ƒ 26450.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Marten Joosten van Vlieland, De Oude Glasemaker, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and Hendrick Teuniss van Harlingen, De Son, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Dirck Janss Melckpoth of Venhuijsen, Melckpoth, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and Gerrit Backer de Jongh on behalf of master Reijers Martens of Vlieland, de Jonge Glasemaker, transport soldiers, rental price, ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Paulus Barentss of Enckhuijsen, De Prins, transport soldiers rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and Andries Douwes of Harlingen, de Saijer, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and Baerent Evertss of Venhuijsen, Het Jonge Lam, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Jochem Rieuwertss of Vlieland, Abrahams Offerhande, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 28 November 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and master Broer Janss Buijsman of Venhuijsen, De Buysman, transport soldiers, rental price ƒ 1600.
Notary contract dated 31 December 1658 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and owner Jonas Trellont, master Hans Davitse, frigateship Juffer Catharina, dimensions 82½ (prow) x 23½ (inner hull) x 11, verdeck above at mainmast >5'5", with 'schans' and cabin, 10 men, 6 guns, rental price ƒ 1150, taxed value of the ship ƒ 5175.
Notary contract dated 20 February 1659 between the admiralty of Amsterdam and Cornelis Corneliss Rab of Vlieland, 't Vliegende Hart, rental price ƒ 1800.