
Friday 16 September 2011

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 20 December 1824

Milo, 13 October. The Greek government bought 10 new fire ships and handed over one to Canaris which wanted against all costs to set the frigate of Ibrahim Pasha in to fire. In the mean time he joined the force of Ipsara. This latter force had hoisted a black flag with in the middle a white cross to remember the disaster which happened to them. They were to join the force of Hydra which was all ready pursuing the enemy. The crews of the fire ships swore to die or to destroy the Egyptian expedition. A goelette of Spezzia which captured a transport flying the Spanish flag sold the prisoners for 30.000 piasters to the aga of Castel-Roso. Augsburg, Germany, 13 December.

The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung published a news item dated Bucharest 25 November according to which a letter of Corfu dated 1 November reported that at the end of October between Durazzo and Vallona an Algerian flotilla of four ships was sighted. The merchant trade shipping was afraid for what was going to happen. This wasn't necessary while although armed boats of these ships visited all ships they saw they didn't do anything else. In the meantime it became known that these ships were involved in a landing at Patras to support the Turkish forces. Vienna, Austria, 3 December.

The newspaper Oesterreichische Beobachter published tidings from Constantinople, Turkey dated 11 November. These tidings referred that since 7 October had been no battles at sea and that 29 October the Egyptian fleet accompanied by some Turkish ships left Mitylene towards Boudroun. The fleet consisted of 50-60 warships including 2-60 gun ships namely the Isania flagship of Ibrahim Pasha and the Diana flagship of Ismael Gibraltar. They escorted 200 transports, half being European, of all most seafaring countries. With the latter were new contract with very lucrative conditions closed. Underway towards Smyrna met the Austrian goelette Arethusa 30 October north of the Lero a Greek flotilla of 28 ships and which asked the Austrian master for more information dealing with the Egyptian fleet.