
Friday 16 September 2011

A Portuguese floating dry dock built for Loanda at the shipyard 'De Industrie' of firm A.F. Smulders at Slikkerveer, Netherlands in 1905-1906

According to the newspaper Tilburgsche courant daily edition dated 5 December 1895 were men at the yard "De Industrie" of the firm A.F. Smulders at Slikkerveer, Netherlands building a complete steel floating dry dock for account of the Portuguese government and which was destined to serve at the harbour of Loanda, Angola, African West Coast. It was to be transport in one piece from the yard to her destination. The dimensions were 60 x more as 20 meter. Due to the construction was it possible that the docking floor of the dock self partly could be docked and repaired to solve the main problem of repairs below the waterline.(1)

The newspaper Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad daily edition dated 23 March 1896 published a news item according to which that day with success a part of the dock was launched sighted by a large amount of spectators. Due to suddenly heavy waves caused by the launching between 15-18 persons were soaked by the water but without any accidents.

The newspaper Het nieuws van den dag: kleine courant daily edition dated 28 August 1896 published a news item dated Alblasserdam 26 August according to which a that morning received telegram the steamship Moyune underway from Yokohama towards London met the Dutch tugs Oceaan and Oostzee with the Portuguese dry dock at 4'67'' North latitude and 7'23" Western longitude (in the Bay of Biscay). Everything well, windy but calm sea.

According to the newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad evening edition 1 October 1896 departed the convoy towards St. Paul de Loanda.

According to the newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad evening edition 24 October 1896 arrived the convoy at St. Paul de Loanda after a successful voyage of 65 days.

1. Het nieuws van den dag: kleine courant daily edition dated 11 November 1895 supplied the same information with the addition that the dock was fitted out with two pumps each of 100 hp.