
Monday 19 September 2011

The mutiny on board of the Spanish ship of the line Asia and brigs Aquila and Constancia according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 6 December 1825

Madrid, 20 November. An official letter which arrived with the merchant ship Sabina 7 November at Cadiz supplied more details dealing with what happened on board of the Asia.  She was accompanied by the brigs Aquila and Constancia and a merchant ship loaded with ammunition and victuals when they discovered that while Lima was being captured by general Bolivar it impossible was to return to Europe via Cape Horn. The commanding officers decided to leave Rodil at Callao and to go to Manila and to return form there to Spain. After leaving Quillas they first went to Guahan one of the Marian islands whit just enough fresh water on board for 8 days. De commanding officer of the Asia Guruzetta decided to visit this island for victuals and fresh water. Everything was went and quiet on board and nothing to be feared for. After taking the victuals on board the order was given to depart when suddenly the sailors refused to go any further. An officer and a midshipman threatened to draw their sword when the whole crew went to the aft deck. When Guruzetta came on deck all sailors and marines were waiting patiently. They answered his question that he was still their commander. When the leading mutineers came forward they suddenly attacked him with their swords and his head was wounded. He tried to flee but felt through a hatch in the hold and broke a leg. The remaining officers were taken prisoner and locked up in a well guarded cabin. The victuals and ammunition on board of the merchant ship were taken over and the ship was sent into fire. Guruzetta and the officers were brought on land and the Asia departed. The commanding officer of the brig Constancia Jozef Martinez was one of the mutineers and went on board of the brig Aquila to speak with her captain Pavia. They hoped that the crew of the Aquila to follow the example of the Asia. In the meantime sailed the Asia followed by the brig Constancia towards the coast of America. When the Aquila apparently was preparing to follow both ships, arrived a barge of the judge of Guahan and was Pavia asked if he wanted to take the officers of the Asia on board. He allowed that but as soon as they came on board her crew mutinied and send all officers of the Asia and the Aquila tied up to the island and the brig departed. Martinez became responsible for bringing all ships to Mexico. The officers of the Asia and the Aquila travelled with a whaler to Cavite where some stayed, Pavia and Guruzetta arrived at Manila where they still are. Some sergeants and sailors who weren’t involved in the revolt arrived on board of the Sabina at Cadiz.