Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That’s quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.
p. 373: “The navy of the United Stales, by the last returns, was composed of—Sail, line-of-battle ships, 10,—of which, one of 120 guns, one of 80 guns, and eight of 84 guns; thirteen frigates, of which, one is of 56 guns, and twelve of 50 guns; sloops, nineteen, of which seven are of 22 guns, eight are of 20 guns, and four of 16 guns; three brigs, of which two are of 6 guns, and one of 4 guns; and one schooner of 4 guns.
p. 374: Screw steamers:—Seven first class ships, carrying in all 210 guns; one second class of 13 guns; two of third class, mounting together 19 guns. Paddle steamers:—Three of first class, mounting in all 34 guns; one of second class of 6 gains; five of third class, mounting together 20 guns; three tenders and six transports, mounting 17 guns. Total, 74 ships and 2,244 guns. These 74 ships employ 75 captains, 97 commanders, and 327 lieutenants. Marines 1,100, commanded by 13 captains, 19 first lieutenants, and 20 second lieutenants. Several commodores command on foreign stations; the Atlantic by Commodore Paulding, Brazils by Commodore Powers, the Pacific by M. Irvine, the Mediterranean by M. Brewer, African coast by M. T. Crabbe, East Indies by Commodore Armstrong. Brigadier General Henderson is the Director General of the Navy, and M. Foncey Secretary.”
Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve, volume 27, July 1858.
p. 373: “The navy of the United Stales, by the last returns, was composed of—Sail, line-of-battle ships, 10,—of which, one of 120 guns, one of 80 guns, and eight of 84 guns; thirteen frigates, of which, one is of 56 guns, and twelve of 50 guns; sloops, nineteen, of which seven are of 22 guns, eight are of 20 guns, and four of 16 guns; three brigs, of which two are of 6 guns, and one of 4 guns; and one schooner of 4 guns.
p. 374: Screw steamers:—Seven first class ships, carrying in all 210 guns; one second class of 13 guns; two of third class, mounting together 19 guns. Paddle steamers:—Three of first class, mounting in all 34 guns; one of second class of 6 gains; five of third class, mounting together 20 guns; three tenders and six transports, mounting 17 guns. Total, 74 ships and 2,244 guns. These 74 ships employ 75 captains, 97 commanders, and 327 lieutenants. Marines 1,100, commanded by 13 captains, 19 first lieutenants, and 20 second lieutenants. Several commodores command on foreign stations; the Atlantic by Commodore Paulding, Brazils by Commodore Powers, the Pacific by M. Irvine, the Mediterranean by M. Brewer, African coast by M. T. Crabbe, East Indies by Commodore Armstrong. Brigadier General Henderson is the Director General of the Navy, and M. Foncey Secretary.”
Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve, volume 27, July 1858.