An English newspaper reported the following strength of the European naval powers.
England possessed 54 ships of the line armed with 80-120 gun, 77 ships of the line of 74-78 guns, 37 frigates of 50-60 guns, 112 frigates of 42-48 guns, 178 corvettes of 10-38 guns and 18 brigs.
France possessed 33 ships of the line, 41 frigates and 148 corvettes and brigs, totally 222 warships.
Russian possessed 81 ships of different sizes.
Netherlands possessed 12 ships of the line, 30 ships with a total armament of 720 guns and 63 dismantled ships.
Spain possessed 6 ships of the line, 12 frigates and 94 smaller vessels.
Portugal possessed 2-74 gun ships of the line, 6 frigates, 7 corvettes, 2 brigs and 6 smaller vessels.
With her 131 ships of the line and totally 620 warships and 22,920 was England superior compared with the other European naval powers which possessed altogether just 93 ships of the line and 889 smaller vessels with just 18,761 guns.