
Friday 16 September 2011

The Prussian merchant ship Mentor arriving at Swinemunde according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 October 1824

Swinemunde, Prussia, 14 October. The day before yesterday arrived the Prussian ship Mentor of 200 Prussian lasten master J.A. Harmsen and senior merchant Willem Oswald with 22 sailors at Swinemunde after a voyage around the world or 39.000 sea miles. Fitted out by merchants of Berlin with Prussian manufactures of the factory of F. en E. Delius of Bremen she left the river Wezer 16 December 1822 towards the West coast of South America visiting the Sandwich Islands, Java and Saint Helena and returning full loaded including tea from Canton. Not a singe sailor was lost during the voyage. Without dropping her anchor she entered the harbour despite her draught of 14½ feet. In 1818 started works in Swinemunde while the water was just 6½ feet deep, nowadays 17 or 18 feet. On board of the Mentor was a large amount of foreigners when she returned.