Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That’s quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.
P. 375: “The Prussian Navy has fifty-five ships and 265 guns. The largest of these are two frigates (sail) of 43 guns each; the others are, a steam corvette (screw) and one (sail) of 28 guns together, two frigates (steam) carrying 21 guns, and thirty gunboats carrying 72 guns. These vessels have 112 officers and 3,500 men. The Admiralty is directed by the President of the Ministry and Admiral Prince Adalbert of Prussia, the Commander-in-Chief. The principal naval station is at Dantzig, under the command of Rear Admiral Schroeder.”(1)
1. Jan Schröder (15 November 1800 Vlissingen, Netherlands-Kleef, Germany 2 Mat 1855), officer in the Batavian Navy, joined the French-Dutch navy in 1812,cadet in 1814, promoted to the rank of midshipmen 1st class on 19 September 1817, dusmissed with honour as captain on 1 June 1849 and afterwards in Prussian service where he was promoted to the rank of vice admiral in 1859 be come head of the navy department at Berlin, Prussia and in 1860 retired.
Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve, volume 27, July 1858.
P. 375: “The Prussian Navy has fifty-five ships and 265 guns. The largest of these are two frigates (sail) of 43 guns each; the others are, a steam corvette (screw) and one (sail) of 28 guns together, two frigates (steam) carrying 21 guns, and thirty gunboats carrying 72 guns. These vessels have 112 officers and 3,500 men. The Admiralty is directed by the President of the Ministry and Admiral Prince Adalbert of Prussia, the Commander-in-Chief. The principal naval station is at Dantzig, under the command of Rear Admiral Schroeder.”(1)
1. Jan Schröder (15 November 1800 Vlissingen, Netherlands-Kleef, Germany 2 Mat 1855), officer in the Batavian Navy, joined the French-Dutch navy in 1812,cadet in 1814, promoted to the rank of midshipmen 1st class on 19 September 1817, dusmissed with honour as captain on 1 June 1849 and afterwards in Prussian service where he was promoted to the rank of vice admiral in 1859 be come head of the navy department at Berlin, Prussia and in 1860 retired.
Nautical magazine and journal of the Royal Naval Reserve, volume 27, July 1858.