
Monday 10 October 2011

The Austrian, British, French and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 15 June 1827

Frankfurt, 8 June. Letters arriving from Constantinople dated 10 May didn’t give any important details. The fleet which left the Dardanelles was arrived safely at Navarino.

Trieste, 2 June. A French frigate and a British frigate and the Austrian corvette Carolina were anchored off Athens to assist with the negotiations between the Greeks and the Turkish to prevent a massacre when the Acropolis capitulated.

Paris, 10 June. The frigates la Vestale (1) and la Constance (2) commanded by the captains count d’Oyssonville and Lenormant de Kergrist departed 9 June from Brest to join the division commanded by captain Collet off Algiers.

J. Vichot. Repertoire des navires de guerre français. Paris, 1967.

1. Laid down at Rochefort 1820, launched 6 May 1822, gunnery training ship at Toulon 1840-1844 and stricken 26 May 1834. A 58-gun frigate 2nd class of the Vestale-class with sister ships Venus and Atalante. Dimensions 170’6” (waterline) x 43’2” x 20’10”.
2. Laid down at Brest 1812, launched 1818 and last mentioned 1836.