
Saturday 5 November 2011

Dutch warships of the Admiralty of Friesland and their condition according to a list of 28 April 1793

Admiraal de Vries, 60 guns, built 1783, costs repairs ƒ 41.600,-, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 42.300,-.
Oostergo, 60 guns, built 1785, costs repairs ƒ 81.000,-, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 157.178,-.
Westergo, 60 guns, built 1785, costs repairs ƒ 77.750,-, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 160.203,-.
Zevenwolden, 60 guns, built 1785, costs repairs ƒ 42.400,-, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 160.203,-.
Pallas, 40 guns, built 1781, nearly repaired, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 36.523,-.
Harlingen, 40 guns, built 1782, have to be condemned, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 41.748,-.
Eensgezindheid, 36 guns, built 779, almost finished, almost fitted out.
Sirene, 20 guns, built 1789, costs repairs ƒ 19.550, costs sails, stores etc. ƒ 37.620.
According to other sources the Sirene was built in 1786 at the admiralty yard at Harlingen, a list dated December 1787 described her as nearly completed.
Snelheid, 14 guns, built 1781, in service at sea, well fitted out.

Collectie Fagel no. 1093 (National Archive).