
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Russian naval strength in November 1807

In the The Naval Chronicle vol XVIII, p. 472 is a list published of the strength of the Russian navy as given by her own Navy Minster 9 November 1807. At that moment the navy was divided in several fleets responsible for their own area. The navy consisted of 53 ships of the line, 34 frigates and smaller vessels, totally 226 ships and vessels armed with 4428 guns. The main Baltic battle fleet consisted of 59 ships with in totally 2260 guns: 20 ships of the line (1588 guns), 14 frigates (426 guns), 6 cutters (130 guns) and another 19 smaller vessels (126 guns). There was also a Baltic galley fleet consisting of 41 sailing warships with 705 guns, 20 galleys (220 guns), 25 batteries (160 guns), 81 gunboats (152 guns) and 63 yawls (168 guns). The main Black Sea battle fleet consisted of 41 sailing warships with in totally 1225 guns: 12 ships of the line (918 guns), 4 frigates (162 guns), 7 brigs (54 guns) and 18 smaller armed vessels (91 guns). There was also a Black Sea rowing fleet consisting of 40 gunboats, fitted out with 52 guns and 80 falconets. In the Caspian Sea was a flotilla serving, consisting of 6 vessels with totally 70 guns. The Ochozk flotilla consisted of 11 vessels with totally 36 guns. At full sea there were another 11 ships of the line in service, with a total armament of 760 guns, without specifying their exact location. And there was the building of another 10 ships of the line.