
Wednesday 3 July 2019

The Venetian fleet in June 1718 according to the Dutch magazine Europische Mercurius

This Dutch magazine published all kind of information dealing with the European countries dealing with topics as merchant trade shipping, whaling and military affairs. The July edition published some details dealing with the campaign of the Venetian navy. The main part of the fleet lying off Corfu departed in begin June towards Zante where she arrived after some days. While not all the ships of the allied fleet arrived there was captain general Pisani forced to wait for them. When the tiding was received that these ships were underway he departed to join the four galleys of the pope, two galleys of the Grand Duke of Tuscany and some other ships. General Mocenigo was at that moment off Spalato to embark his troops and ammunition preparing for the land campaign. The count of Schuilenburg was off Sebenuci with two warships and several transports with on board a large artillery train. Apparently both general were preparing to attack Albany.

Europische Mercurius, volume 29,part II, edition July, Amsterdam 1718, p. 31.