
Tuesday 8 November 2011

Spanish registership St. Raphael also called Pallas captured by British Caroline 27 January 1807?

According to a letter dated 25 February 1807, written by captain Rainier, commanding the British Caroline, he sailed towards the 26th towards the strait of St. Bernardine. Early in the morning of the next day was at the leeward a ship noticed. Being chased the latter fled towards Albay. When both ships came in gunshot distance, the unknown ship showed the Spanish colours and shot at the Caroline. After a fight the Spanish ship surrendered with 27 men dead or wounded. After boarding by the British, it became clear that is was the registership St. Raphael also called Pallas, armed with 16 guns, and belonging to the Royal Company of the Philippines with a crew of 97 men and commanded by don Juan Baptista Monteverde. She left Lima, Peru 12 November last year (1806?) towards Manilla with a cargo of 500.000 Spanish dollars cash and 1700 quintals of copper and other valuable stores.

The Naval Chronicle vol. XIX January-June 1808, p.78.