
Monday, 23 December 2019

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 January 1823

Nurnburg, 18 January. According to news item dated Italy 12 January was the Turkish naval force in the Bay of Pastras destroyed and the Greek flotilla again in the harbour of Missolunghi while the sea was to impetuous to sail on the high seas or to stay in the bay of Patras. 

Paris, 15 January. The goelette brig le Papillon left 13 December 1821 Constantinople and anchored the 14th in the Dardanelles, departed the 15th, arrived in the Bay of la Spezzia 29 December and arrived 4 January at Toulon. When she left Constantinople everything was calm while the new Captain Pasha visited twice the ship confirming that the French could come without any problems on shore for their trade. Two other French ships were at moment taking a cargo on board. Captain Teissère of the Papillon went daily through Constantinople without being offended. The Turkish fleet was partly off Constantinople to rest for a while and partly in the Dardanelles. In the meantime they apparently captured 30-40 Greek vessels.