
Saturday 10 December 2011

Intelligence news dealing with the Spanish navy from by J. Duff, British consul at Cadiz, for January 1804

Thanks to the by T.C. Hansard published The Parliamentary Debates from the year 1803 on, with the discussed papers, it’s possible to get an impression on what’s going in the Spanish navy at that moment an ally of the French empire and an enemy of the British empire.

“Note of the 15 ships armed and arming in this and the departments of Ferrol and Carthagena. Trinidada, 130 guns, St. Ann, 112 guns, Principe, 112 guns, Reina Luisa, 112 guns, San Carlos, 112 guns, San Rafael, 84 guns, Neptune, 84 guns, Argonauta, 84 guns, Monarca, 74 guns, Bahama, 74 guns, San Augustin, 74 guns, Espacia, 66 guns, America, 66 guns, San Fulgencio, 66 guns. The 31st Jan. the following vessels sailed from this port: The frigate Vengeance, 36 guns, with stores for the Havana, and quicksilver for Vera Cruz; the frigate Rufina, 34 guns, stores for La Guayra and Porto Rico, and quicksilver for Vera Cruz. This last ready, but not yet sailed. The frigate Matilde, 36 guns, is daily expected here from Carthagena, with stores for this arsenal. The two brigs and schooner, destined as guarda costas for La Guayra, continue getting ready to proceed for their destinations. The frigate Clara, 36 guns, opened her register at Lima, in October upon her return for this country, and maby be expected in May, with from 3 to 4 millions of dollars. The French ship L’Aigle is new victualled, and although badly manned, is expected to quit this the first favourable opportunity. The corvette Torch, and Argus, brig, are not yet quite ready. The Donegal quitted this neighbourhood about the 15th of Jan. The Medusa and Maidstone have taken her station, and it is doubted the Aigle quitting this while they continue upon that station. The American brig of war Argus, has been here some days, and sailed the 5th February for Gibraltar. An American schooner sailed the 4th, with answers to dispatches she brought here 3 weeks ago, from the Spanish minister at Washington. 4 regiments are said to be under orders to embark at Corunna or Ferrol, for New Orleans, February 8th, sailed the Rufina, mentioned before as being ready; the 9th, 3 frigates, supposed to be the Medusa, Maidstone and Diana, were seen at sunrise, about 2 leagues from the lighthouse; l’Aigle had been expected to sail in the night; the wind, a fresh Levanter; the Diana came in and anchored in the evening; the other two frigates are the Medusa and Amphion. The Diana was immediately admitted to Pratique”.

T.C. Hansard. The Parliamentary Debates from the year 1803 to the present time. vol III comprising the period from the fifteenth day of January to the twelfth day of March 1805. London, 1812. Parliamentary Debates, February 4, 1805, Second Additional Papers relative to the war with Spain, p. 235-236. Digitized by