The number of officers in the British navy according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 30 July 1818
London, 24 July. The Royal Navy counted 30 June 1 admiral of the fleet, 18 admirals of the red flag, 17 of the white flag and 18 of the blue flag of the latter two in actual service, 23 vice admirals of the red flag, 18 of the white flag and 18 of the blue flag, again of the latter two in actual service, 25 rear admirals of the red flag of which one in actual service, 25 of the white flag of which six in actual service and 25? of the blue flag of which two in actual service, 25 former rear admirals, 25 former and decommissioned captains, 252 captains of which 65 in actual service, 789 commodores of which 34 in actual service, 98 lieutenants paid off with the rank of captain, 3,920 lieutenant of which 385 in actual service, 943 masters of which 142 in actual service, 16 ships’ doctors, 934 surgeons, 19 apothecaries, 6 hospital mates, 855 clerks of which 122 in actual service and 51 chaplains of which 20 in actual service.