
Monday, 27 May 2019

Ship movements in the Mediterranean according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 12 October 1821

Augsburg, 3 October. The newspaper Algemeine Zeitung announced that at Odessa (14 September) several ships arrived coming from Constantinople. They left the last city the 8th.

Frankfurt, 6 October. An extract from a private letter coming from Smirna dated 1 September mentioned that the Turkish fleet, according to some European newspapers destroyed by the Greeks and only the admiral’s ship returned at Constantinople causing large horror, joined the squadron of the Pasha of Egypt. An extract from a private letter coming from Odessa dated 18 September mentioned that the Greeks stayed away from the Turkish fleet to prevent a fight. In the meantime the Greeks were causing problems while harassing the fairways between the islands and capturing already some British ships. A British frigate left Smirna to get more intelligence on what was going on, while a war brig was lying in the Dardanelles waiting for British ships destined towards the Mediterranean and to serve as conveyor.