
Sunday 29 January 2012

The Algerian naval strength according to the Dutch magazine Maandelyksche Nederlandsche Mercurius dated January 1758

An item reported that the Algerian navy consisted of the next units.
‘t Groot Deyliks warship Lion, commanded by Mahomed Rays, 40 guns
the new warships commanded by Hagi Mustapha Rays, 40 guns, also fitted out with 30 rows
1 polacca commanded by Said Rays, 16 guns
1 chebecq commanded by Hagi Imberah Rays, 26 guns
1 chebecq commanded by Zee Mahomed Rays, 26 guns
1 chebecq commanded by Mahomed Rays, 20 guns
1 chebecq commanded by Osman Rays, 22 guns
1 chebecq commanded by Osman Rays, 10 guns
1 chebecq commanded by Hagi Ussem Rays, 6 guns
1 chebecq or row galliot commanded by Messouwd Rays, 4 guns
1 row galliot commanded by Mahomed Rays 2 guns, 2 swivels, 12 rows
1 row galliot commanded by Mahomed Rays 2 guns, 9 rows
1 row galliot commanded by Osman Rays 2 guns, 6 swivels, 17 rows
1 row galliot commanded by Ibrahim Rays 2 guns, 14 rows
1 row galliot commanded by Isuff Rays 2 guns, 12 rows
On stocks 2 chebecqs (one of 20 and of 10 guns)