
Wednesday 18 January 2012

The French expeditionary force for Algiers according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 17 April 1830

A news item dated Paris 11 April reported that general Bourmant which was appointed with the supreme command of the expeditionary force to Algiers was to depart the 18th handing over his portfolio of war to the prince de Polignac. On 29 March left the complete division from Brest excluded 2 ships of the line and 2 frigates destined for Toulon. According to tidings was the naval force and the convoy to be ready for departure between 15 and 20 May. The naval force was to consist of 11 ships of the line, 24 frigates, 35 brigs, 18 gabares or transports, 12 corvettes, 7 goelettes, 8 bomb vessels and 6 steamboats for mail services, totally 121 ships.

1. The Dutch newspaper Overijsselsche Courant dated 9 April reported that according to rumours the French government negotiated with some steamboat companies to charter some large steamships to be used as transports in the Algerian expedition. This was the first time that such a large number of steamships were to be used for a military expedition wrote the journalist. The Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 19 April reported that the complete fleet was to consist of 110 ships excluded several hundreds of freighters which were for 2/3 hired in French and for 1/3 hired in foreign harbours. From Toulon were to depart 93 warships including 11 ships (7 fitted out as transports, probable en flute), 21 frigates (just 4 completely armed while the others were to transport soldiers and stores), 12 corvettes, 23 brigs, 12 so-called gabarres, 6 steamboats and 8 bombs. These ships were fitted out at Toulon, Brest and other French northern ports. Of the latter ports were the ships already departed towards the Mediterranean. Another 16 warships namely 5 frigates, 8 brigs, 1 corvette and 2 goelettes were cruising along the Algerian coasts while another 16 brigs or corvettes were ordered from the Greek waters, off Corsica or Alexandria to join the main fleet.