
Wednesday 18 January 2012

German gunboat mapping waters around Helgoland according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwe Tilburgsche Courant dated 26 June 1912

An item dated Berlin 25 June referring to the newspaper Braunschweigische Handelszeitung reported that the gunboat Hyena was ordered to map the waters of Helgoland again while the war harbour was to be increased and to become an anchorage of the German merchant shipping. (1)

1. Launched on 27 June 1878 at the Kaiserliche Werft at Wilhelmshaven and commissioned on 7 September a year later. Building costs were 487.000 mark. On 7 April 1920 stricken although she was all ready on 15 July the year before sold for 200.000 mark to the Cuxhaven-Brunsbüttel-Dampfer AG. She was used by her new owner as the 3-mast schooner Seewölf with auxiliary steam power until she was destroyed by a burning cargo while lying in the harbour of Dieppe on 2 May 1924 causing her being broken up. The Hyäne was part of the Wolf-class and she played a remarkable roll in the German colonisation policy in the Pacific and Africa. With a displacement of 490 (design)-570 (maximum) tons and as dimensions 44,5 (waterline)-47,2 (over all) x 7,66 x 3,4 maximum) metres. The two 1-cylinder engine and 2 boilers supplied 373 hp allowing through one screw a maximum of 9,9 knots. She was barquentine rigged and fitted out with 3 masts and a sail area of 541M2. Her crew numbered 85 men and she was armed with 2-12,5cm guns, 2-8,7cm guns and 3-3,7 cm revolving guns.