
Sunday, 12 May 2019

American naval program continued despite Geneva conference according to the Dutch newspaper Tilburgsche Courant dated 26 August 1927

An item dated Vallejo, California reported 25 August reported that the secretary of navy Wilbur (1) during his visit to the navy yard on Mare said that he intended to request the Congress on her next meeting to double the naval program which now existed of the building of 8-10,000 tons cruisers and some smaller units. According to his opinion caused the failure of the Geneva disarmament conference a strengthening of the US navy.

1. Curtis Dwight Wilbur (10 May 1867 Iowa-8 September 1954 San Francisco, California), member of the Republican Party, succeeded Edwin Denby while Charles F. Adams III succeeded him. He was secretary of navy between 19 March 1924 and 4 March 1929.