
Monday, 6 February 2012

Danish navy handed over to England according to the Dutch newspaper Vriessche Courant dated 26 September 1807

An item dated Leeuwarden, Netherlands 25 September supplied a list of the Danish fleet to be taken over by England. The spelling of the names of the ships is in Dutch.
20 ships of the line: Christiaan VII, Waldemar and Neptunus of 80 guns, Denemarken, Kroonprinses-Maria, Justitia, Drie-Kronen, Skiold, Odin, Prinses Sophia-Frederika, Fuhnen and Mars of 74 guns, Kroonprins-Frederik and Erfprins-Frederik of 72 guns, Noorwegen of 60 guns, Seiren, Prinses Louise-Augusta and Dithmarschen of 64 guns and the Prins Christiaan Frederik and Prinses Karolina of 60 guns.
16 frigates armed with canons, carronades and howitzers: Iris of 42 guns, Freja and Havfruen of 4o guns, Parel and Venus of 38 guns, Najade of 36 guns, Rota of 34 guns, Fredriksvaern of 30 guns, Trito of 28 funs, Frederiksteen of 24 guns, Kleine Belt, Fylla and Diana of 20 guns and the Elbe, Eider and Gluckstad of 12 guns.
9 brigs: Glommen, Longen, Dolphyn and Fliegende Fisk of 20 guns, Sarpen and Neder-Elve of 18 guns and the Briefdvager, Fama and the Fehmern of 14 guns.
1-12 gun schooner Oernen.
17 Royal boats: Söwmne, Regeskyën and Rogebuen of 12 guns, Maagen of 10 guns, Makerelen and Vildanden of 8 guns, Egelykke, to Bröderen, Odderen, Sneglger, Stavner, Jonge Jacob, Jonge Jan, Dirk en Henrick, Speculazimer, Andreas and Aalborg-Vääre.
8 Söllings- or pilot boats: Terner, Allart, Grunstad, Telegrafen, Laurriger, Höger and Veddelöberen of 6 guns and the Syaler of 2 guns.
12 gunboats: Odensee, Christainsund, Nykiöbing, Langesund, Nascow, Arendal. Viborg, Aalborg, Stegs and Flensburg of 10 guns and the Stavurn and Vardöhus of 6 guns.
6-6 gun ghaloupen: Helsingför, Roskild, Corför, Prästö, Werdingborg and Fredriksund all of 6 guns.
5 gun yawls armed with one gun and 4 howitzers.
Floating defence consisting of the 4-20 gun prams Hayen, Sverdfisken, Lindormen and Kämpen.
Floating batteries consisting of the No. 2 with 24 guns, the unsinkable 16-gun frigate Hielperer and the 22-gun defence frigate St. Thomas.
For the defence of Copenhagen were also the 3 sea batteries Sextus, Drie Kroonen and Prövestenen available. The ships had a total armament of 2,183 guns, 202 carronades and 22 howitzers, the 3 batteries 100 heavy guns and 5 heavy mortars. Of the ships were just 83 in a condition to taken to sea. Sextus was armed with 42-36pdrs, 2-150pdr mortars, Drie Kroonen with 9-36pdrs, 59-24pdrs and 3-150pdr mortars and Prövestenen with 89-24pdrs.